Tuesday, January 31, 2012

the next two weeks

So here is an updated schedule for the coming weeks:
This Thursday 2/2:
we have quiz #1 which is based on the images I have posted below this post. You must be able to identify the slide I show you with the information I have given you below.

Tuesday 2/7: No Class, Flex day

Thursday 2/9: We start a new project so please have the materials I showed you in class on this day. Here is a reminder about the materials:
Have one or the other, not both, of: Original Sculpey 1.75 lb box, white or any other natural color- this is an oven bake clay. I recommend this one-it is easier to work with.
OR if you are on a tighter budget, DAS air-dry clay, natural color, same size box. If you choose to get this one, then bring with you a spray bottle for water to keep the clay moist while working with it.

Remember, if you go to Michaels to get these items, go to their website and print out the 40% off coupon they have for any non-sale item. The clays were not on sale when I got them the other day so I was able to use the coupon on one package of clay.
You will also want to get a cheap pack of modeling tools, shouldn't be more than $3. You can also bring toothpicks or any other item that can be used to make patterns/indentations in the clay.
Please email me if you have any questions about the materials.

Images for Quiz #1 this Thursday 2/2

Worshippers from the Abu Temple, Iraq

King Khafre, Egypt

Colossal head, Olmec culture, Mexico

Venus of Willendorf, Austria

The Starry Night, Vincent van Gogh

Charles the First, Jean-Michel Basquiat

Coffin Orange in the shape of a Cocoa Pod, Ghana, Africa

Magical figure, nkisi nkonde, Kongo

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Wrapped Animal Portraits and homework

Just a few reminders:
We are going to be working on the wrapped animal portraits for at least two more class periods so bring them and your materials with you. This is not homework though you are more than welcome to work on it at home if you want.
If you are still lost, google search: wrapped animal portraits. The ones on the slides will come up.

Also, if you would like to see the video again, go to www.pbs.org/art21/
then click on the 'watch now' tab
in the list of artists, click on Jeff Koons.
The homework question only needs to be a paragraph telling me : How does his choice of media, materials, and subjects relate to his desire to communicate through his work?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Welcome to Art9!

I am excited to get this semester started with a great group! A quick reminder: this Thursday's class- all you need is a notebook. Please have one that is designated for this class only. You will be doing homework assignments in it and taking notes. If you can't get one before tomorrow's class, just get one as soon as possible and you can transfer whatever information into it when you have it.

For Tuesday Jan 17: we are starting a project. You will need to bring:
-a piece of white drawing paper around 18x24 inches. please do not bring a piece of computer paper(that is too small and not the right kind of paper)
-graphite pencils (you can purchase a set of pencils at any art store or Michaels/Hobby Lobby etc. A decent set will have a range of pencils from 4B to 2H. As long as you have a few different ones you'll be good.
-colored pencils (any brand is fine- whatever fits your budget) prismacolor is a great brand if you plan on using them in the future
-a uniball ink pen (any pen with thick dark black ink will work)
-last but not least and most important: you need to find an image of an animal and print it and bring it with you. It should be of the animal's entire head and preferably a snarling animal. The more ferocious and open mouth, the better.

If you have any questions about the materials please don't hesitate to email me.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Art 9: Introduction to Art
Instructor: Kelli Vance kvance@lbcc.edu
T/Th 1:00-3:15 room MD117
class website: www.art9introtoart.blogspot.com

Course Description:
This course combines lectures and hands on projects that follow discussions surrounding art principles, concepts and history. We will explore the many theories and practices of art making through the context of historical, political and social periods as they relate to art movements. Students will investigate and discover their own creative abilities and how art relates to them in their everyday lives. This course is recommended for teaching majors and is designed for non-art majors.
Course Objectives:
Develop a proficient understanding of basic visual elements and art vocabulary To explore a variety of art media
Learn to identify and analyze various art styles through lectures and projects
Become aware of art and artists through historical and contemporary contexts

Course Expectations:
Attendance is MANDATORY. Please be in class on time and ready to work. All instructional material will be given at the beginning of class so if you are late it is your responsibility to get missed material from a fellow classmate.
Arriving late will count as 1 tardy and 3 tardies will result in 1 absence. After 3 absences, your grade for the course will be lowered an entire letter grade. Only a documented emergency will be an excused absence. If you do miss a class, it is your responsibility to get the material missed and be prepared for the next class meeting. It is a good idea to get to know a few classmates and exchange email addresses to keep up on missed information.
You are expected to be considerate and respectful of your classmates and of your instructor. No sleeping in class, talking while I am giving information or talking on your cell phone/texting. You will be asked to leave if any of the above mentioned behaviors are disruptive. You are also responsible for cleaning your area and keeping the classroom neat.
You will be graded on your project’s quality, presentation and the creative thinking skills involved in its creation. Attendance, participation and work ethic are also large parts of your final grade.

Projects: 60% Participation/Work Ethic: 20% Quizzes: 20%

There will be no make- up quizzes so do not miss a quiz day. One quiz will be excused and the average of the others will be your final quiz grade. Any quizzes missed after the one excused will result in a zero for that quiz.

Students with Disabilities:
If you need special accommodations due to a disability or have any limitations, please talk to me and we can discuss how we can make the learning experience as positive as it can be for you.

Calendar: (subject to change)
10: Introduction to the course
12: Lecture: The Visual World/Visual Literacy
17: Lecture: Formal Elements of Art PROJECT: wrapped animal portraits
19: continue wrapped animal portraits
24: finish animal portraits
26: Lecture: The Ancient World PROJECT: bas relief scultpures
31: continue sculpture
2: continue sculptures
7: finish sculptures
9: Lecture: Age of Faith PROJECT: mosaics
14: continue mosaics
16: finish mosaics
21: Lecture: Renaissance PROJECT: Arcimboldo portraits
23: continue portrait
28: continue portrait
1: finish portrait
6: Lecture: 18th and 19th Centuries PROJECT: color wheels and Van Gogh painting
8: continue projects
13: continue projects
15: finish projects
20: Lecture: Post Impressionism PROJECT: pointillist painting
22: continue painting
27: finish painting
29: Lecture: Cubism/Futurism/Surrealism PROJECT: collage or handscape
3: continue project
5: finish project
17: Museum Visit
19: Lecture: Pop Art and Minimalism PROJECT: monochromatic portraits
24: continue portraits
26: continue portraits
1: finish portraits
3: Final Project
8: Final Project
10: Final Project
15: Class Critique/ Final Meeting