Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Quiz 2 Images

Robert Arneson, Case of Bottles

Richard Serra, The Matter of Time

Tomb of Emperor Shih Huang Ti, China

Luis Jimenez, Howl

Nancy Graves, Variability and Repetition of Similar Forms

Shiva Nataraja (King of Dance), Southern India

Christ, from mosaic at Hagia Sophia, Istanbul

Head of a King (Oni), Ife culture, Nigeria

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Tuesday 2/21 class

For the project we are starting in class on Tuesday, you will need to bring:
glue or glue stick
a piece of posterboard or illustration board around 16x20 in size. A little bigger is okay but not too much smaller
multicolored construction paper or magazines.
We are going to be doing mosaics so you have the option of construction paper or magazines for your pieces.
This project can be of any image you want, so come up with some ideas and bring with you on Tuesday some sort of printout or image that you want to work from.
Here are a couple of examples of mosaic projects- one using construction paper and one using magazines.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

due date for projects

As we are working on the projects over the next few weeks, keep in mind that they will all be due on Tuesday March 13th. The sculptures will not be due until later because I want them to be painted before you turn them in and we aren't going to be using paint for other projects until a little later. So these are the things that will be due on March 13th:
Animal drawing
Arcimboldo drawing

We haven't started the last two so you don't know what those are yet. So get the animal portrait done so you don't fall too far behind!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Thursday 2/9 class

Hello All:
We start our sculpture project tomorrow! In addition to the materials we already discussed, please bring something to transport your sculpture in. A shoebox would work or any kind of container so it doesn't get smashed in your daily travels. =)