Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Last Quiz Images- Quiz is on May 10th

Andrew Wyeth, Braids
Diego Velazquez, Las Meninas
Christ, from mosaic at Hagia Sophia, Istanbul
Antonio Lopez Garcia, New Refrigerator
Fred Tomaselli, Airborne Event
Judith Baca, detail from The Great Wall of Los Angeles
Winslow Homer, A Wall, Nassau
Venus of Willendorf, Lower Austria

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear 1889
Vincent van Gogh The Sower 1888
Andy Warhol Triple Elvis 1963
Roy Lichtenstein Drowning Girl 1963
Jasper Johns Three Flags 1958
Robert Rauschenberg Retroactive 1 1964
Jackson Pollock Number 8 1949

Monday, April 9, 2012

New info

Hello all,
Hope you are enjoying your Spring Break! So here is what's new:
1. Extra credit museum visit. Go to any museum you choose, pick your favorite piece and write a paragraph(about half a page) about what you think about the piece, why you like it, what you think the artists was trying to convey, etc. I'm really just looking for your thoughts on the piece of artwork. This will be due on May 1st.
2. The next project we are starting is a celebrity monochromatic portrait. If you are ready to start a new one when we get back after the break, you will need to bring another canvas board, a printout of the celebrity (these are portraits so only print a picture of their head)and try to print the picture so it is at least 4x6 inches. It has to be printed - no pictures on cell phones to work from. You will also need to get a small bottle of Matte Medium. You can find this at Michaels or any art store. Also, bring a pencil to class and a RULER! Do not forget the ruler.If you are not ready to start this project yet, just bring in the painting we are working on.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Sculpture due date

The sculptures are due tuesday april 17th. You can use the same paint we are using right now to paint your sculpture. You can bring it to class next week and paint it or do it at home and over spring break.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Images for Quiz 3

Mummy Portrait of a Man, Egypt

Fred Tomaselli, Airborne Event

Romare Bearden, The Dove

Andrew Wyeth, Braids

Masaccio, The Tribute Money

Sandro Botticelli, The Birth of Venus

El Greco, The Burial of Count Orgaz

Bronzino, Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time (the Exposure of Luxury)

Albrecht Durer, Self Portrait

Mask of an iyoba (queen mother), Court of Benin, Nigeria

Sunday, March 18, 2012

This week's class

Hello everyone!
So this week, Tuesday- the three projects we discussed are due! The animal portrait, the mosaic, and the Arcimboldo portrait. Also, for Thursday, you will need to have:
a set of acrylic paints (any brand, whatever fits your budget. Most sets will have the basic colors-this is all you need as far as paint goes)
a few brushes of various thicknesses. (look at the brushes that are for acrylic painting, not oil painting. These don't need to be expensive brushes, just basic ones.)
a cup or jar to hold water
a rag or paper towels
a 16x20 canvas panel (this is a flat canvas covered board available at any art store. Not the stretched canvas that has thick sides)
A couple of 8x10 canvas panels
I'll bring examples of materials to class on Tuesday in case you are confused about any of these items.
See you Tuesday!

Thursday, March 15, 2012